« View Real Estate Listings in Elliot Lake, Ontario

$85,000 - 72 Laprairie Cres, Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada

Property Information:

Price: $85,000
Location: 72 Laprairie Cres, Elliot Lake
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 1
Square Footage: 1100

Contact Information:

Name: Eve
Phone: 705-578-2449
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Semi detached, newly renovated bathroom, newer roof and windows, central air, gas furnace and new water tank, three car drive, very Large basement and yard .
Modest home with alots of potential for any family. This would be perfect for a starter home and is close to school. This is a family oriented street. This street is a quiet and respectful street with very good neighbors. a must see.
looking to make final sale summer of 2012. Make an offer no reasonable offer refused. $85,000.00 OBO